





Page 19 - Ïã¸Ûͼ¿âSupport for Students 2015
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screening tool and talk through any questions you may have.
• Diagnosticreport:wecan
provide a factsheet with a list
of recommended Educational Psychologists in Central London who can test for dyslexia
and other specific learning differences. In certain cases some students may be eligible for some financial assistance to help pay for the cost of full diagnostic testing.
• Afteryourassessment:youcan make an appointment with the Disability Adviser to discuss your report. They will also help you access any further support that you might need.
• Application for Disabled Students` Allowance (DSA): Home students with dyslexia or other specific learning differences are eligible to apply for the DSA. This may help contribute to the cost of a home
PC, recording devices, specialist software and one-to-one tuition.
• Special examination arrangements:
depending on your needs you may be eligible for extra time or the use of a computer in examinations.
• Informing other services and staff at the College: The Disability Adviser can help you to co-ordinate any needs across departments or with tutors, Registry and the Library.
• IfyouareanInternationalstudent
or do not meet the residency requirements of the DSA you can access some support directly via the RVC.
3.5 Specialist equipment
If you need specialist items to enable you to study, or you feel that aspects of the course could be made
easier with assistive technology
to suit your disability, contact the Disability Adviser who can advise on how this can be purchased
for you. For example, in the case
of a hearing loss, students have obtained amplified stethoscopes, or ergonomic chairs to sit down in clinics in the case of long term back conditions.
3.6 Special Examination Arrangements
Depending on your needs you may require some special arrangements during examinations. In the case of dyslexia or dyspraxia, for example, you may need extra time in which
to complete exams or vivas. Some conditions may require rest breaks or
taking the exam in a private room, with access to toilet facilities. Please note that given the Day 1 Skills
and Competencies laid out by the governing body of the College, The RCVS, we are unable to offer extra time in practical exams, this is due to clinical imperative.
The College has an application form which you will need to complete
to notify the College’s Exam Office of what should be organised for
you. The application form can be completed after you enrol at the College, but must be made with adherence of the deadlines that are detailed on the Colleges website each academic year. You will need to submit up-to-date documentary evidence in support of your request. An email is sent out to students at the start of the academic year
with instructions. Forms can also
be obtained from Registry, the Advice Centre or online (from the Student Regulations and Procedures pages of the Intranet). If you apply after the deadline, arrangements cannot be guaranteed for that set of examinations. However, once you have secured special exam arrangements, these will be made for the life of your degree and
you only need to make a further application if your needs change.
www.rvc.ac.uk 17

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