
Department: Professional Services

Campus: Camden

Michele leads teams which provide academic and student support services as part of  a whole university approach to student and staff wellbeing.  She currently leads on the Blended Learning Project to enable flexible elements within programmes and blended delivery of the student support services during the on-course part of their student journey.

Selected publications:

• Language, Gender and Power:  Possibilities for Transformation of Political Discourse (2019) in Exploring Betty A Reardon’s Perspective on Peace Education. Ed. Dale T. Snauwaert. Springer: New York.

• Book Review of: A. Hoskins & B. O’Loughlin (2009) “Television and Terror: Conflicting Times and the Crisis of News Discourse”. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan and L. Jarvis (2008) “Times of Terror: Discourse, Temporality and the War on Terror”. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan in Discourse and Communication 7/1, (2013). 

• The Discursive construction of global poverty: Social justice in patterns of reporting (2012) in Forming a Culture of Peace: Reframing Narratives of Intergroup Relations, Equity, and Justice. ed. Karina Karostelina. Palgrave Macmillan: New York.

• Security Discourses: A Gender Perspective (2010) in The Gender Imperative: Human Security vs. State Security. eds. Betty Reardon and Asha Hans. Routledge: New Delhi

• The Discursive Construction of Gender in Business English Textbooks, in Business English in China, Conference Proceedings. (2008) Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press: Shanghai

Selected presentations:

• Connecting Learning, Working and Wellbeing: Institutional approaches and frameworks 

(Pre-conference workshop). VetEd Conference, 2019. Hertfordshire, UK.

• An integrated approach to wellbeing in Academic Institutions. Global Student Living Conference,

 June, 2019.  London, UK

• Exploring new modes of digital delivery: Developing competency-based learning at UEL (Keynote) Accelerating Digital Transformation in Higher Education, 2017. London, UK

• Developing Competency: The role of Technology and elearning. National Work at Height Conference 2016. Loughbourough, UK.

• Learner analytics at UEL. Evaluation of Learners Interests Special Interest Group 2016, London, UK. and Birkbeck Annual Teaching and Learning conference, 2016, London, UK

• The Tablet Journey at UEL (Keynote) Universities and Colleges Information Systems Association (UCISA) annual conference 2016. Manchester, UK.

• The Discursive Construction of Global Poverty: Social Justice in Patterns of Reporting. International Peace Research Association Conference 2010, Sydney, Australia; International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies 2010, Guangzhou, China.

• A Corpus-based Comparison of Korean Citizen-based and Mainstream News Coverage. Symposium on English as the Language of Asian Business and Professions. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 2009.

• The Discursive Construction of Gender in Business English Textbooks. Language Issues in English Medium Universities: A Global Concern. University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2008.

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